Thursday, January 19, 2012

Reminder: Come to the Co-Creation meeting on the 22nd (This WEEK) 12:30 at St. Matts

I wrote a facebook note about how excited I am for Spirit of Truth to take on and defeat the Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment. I encourage you to write one too!

You can see it after the break if you are interested.

But first one of our members (Art) would like me to share this with you:

If Cuba ("that freedom hating, anti religious, commie dictatorship") is supportive of Gay Rights why not us?

and Coretta Scott King (wife of the late Martin Luther King Jr) Supports Gay Rights too!

So join us this Sunday Jan 22 at 12:30 to start pondering over what you and I are gonna do to contribute in the struggle for Justice and Human Rights for all.

God Loves Gay Marriage

Tonight I was at a leadership council meeting of a faith and activism community I helped start a few years back. Over the years we have gathered weekly (sometimes more often), to wrestle with our faith and how our faith calls us to act in this world. One of the conclusions we came to quickly, was that it wasn't just about personal action, but public action as well.

Spirit of Truth is a vibrant and growing community of people who are interested in social justice, equality and freedom for all. We can't take on all of the world's problems, but we'd like to challenge our society to do better, especially here at home in MN.

During the launch of Spirit of Truth I had the great opportunity to quote Martin Luther King Jr in saying that "Injustice anywhere is a threat to Justice everywhere" and Spirit of Truth has taken that noble and spiritual sentiment forward in the past few years fighting for nurses and patients, retail store cleaners and other workers, and for the economic rights of the 99%. The exciting thing for me though is that Spirit of Truth comes at these issues from a faith point of view. A radical faith based perspective that says God loves and so should we. So when we seek to help workers, the jobless, homeless and struggling it’s from the point of view that God calls us to act against this injustice out of love.

In loving our neighbor we are called to transform our society to LOVE ALL OF US. Not just the rich, the powerful, the greedy or the ones who got there first.

Tonight I got to see a sneak preview of the proposed agenda for the next few months.

It revolves around the Anti Gay Marriage Amendment that will be on the ballot in MN in the fall and it calls for us to play an active role in defeating this horrendous injustice.

I am so proud to be a part of this struggle!

I am proud that I can live out my faith and my values openly.

I am proud that I can help transform MN from a place that denies human rights, to one that promotes the equality of all.

I am proud that I can be part of a movement that says not only is it immoral, unjust and fear-based to promote these kinds of amendments, but it is against what God wants for us.

It is against God to deny people this freedom.

I encourage and challenge all of you to be part of this campaign this year.

If you are comfortable talking to a friend, a family member, a co-worker do it.
If you are comfortable phone-banking, flyering and using social media to get out the message do it.
If you are comfortable having discussion groups, book clubs or dinner conversations do it.
If you are comfortable petitioning, writing editorials, or blogging do it.
If you are comfortable creating cartoons, videos, songs, skits, flash mobs or performances do it.
If you are comfortable rallying, marching, protesting and doing civil disobedience do it.
If you are comfortable organizing, going door to door, or physically bringing people to the voting booth do it.

There are a ton of organizations ready to join up with including my own (Spirit of Truth). But if you aren’t yet comfortable, then I ask this; push yourself to get outside of your comfort zone to help your fellow human so you can be on the side of freedom and justice. To add another MLK quote “the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice.” and in that same speech:

“Let us march on ballot boxes until brotherhood becomes more than a meaningless word in an opening prayer, but the order of the day on every legislative agenda.
Let us march on ballot boxes until all over Alabama (MN) God’s children will be able to walk the earth in decency and honor.”

To all of my brothers and sisters, people with strong values, people of faith, people who believe in freedom and justice, please join us in this struggle.

If you are interested in Spirit of Truth, consider attending our first Co-Creation meeting on the campaign this Sunday at 12:30 at St. Matts Lutheran Church 701 N Lexington Parkway Saint Paul, MN

For more info check out (website)

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