Monday, December 26, 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011
Sunday Gathering: Discussion on Failure
For those of you who don't have the time to watch, the argument is simple:
Failure happens. We can either admit it and continue working towards our goal with a fresh perspective on what went wrong, repair mistakes, adjust our viewpoints and actually accomplish something...
we can pretend it didn't happen, or try to make excuses -which could lead to us making the same mistakes again, or cause us to limit the scope of our ambition unnecessarily.
There are some thought provoking stories within that video, but the last line really strikes me
"Has _________ failed? For me YES, but only because it hasn't failed enough."
During our One to One discussions we talked about our own failures without making excuses, without trying to redeem them by saying "but I learned ___" just to admit failure, to be comfortable with it.
To recognize that we are loved, good, capable people without having to make up for every failure.
An exercise in liberation. Liberation from our own self doubt, and from believing that the world (and God) actually holds a grudge against us, actually believes we are worthless because of our failures...
its just not true.
Grant spoke about the ancestors and their liberation from Egypt, whereupon they spent 40 years wandering in the desert. 40 years to make a journey that should take a week or two.
Over my years hearing this story I have heard all types of explanations for the 40 years:
-punishment by God
-simply being lost
-poor leadership
-preparation for war
-preparation by God (of the land)
or the one Grant offered
-preparation of the people, of the community to be worthy of the land
It took the Hebrews a lifetime of wandering, of failing repeatedly, admitting failures and staying focused on the vision ahead to make it.
Will we spend our lives hiding our failures and continually lowering the bar till we can make it
Keep our eyes on a bigger prize, recognize what hasn't worked and try again?
Saturday, December 17, 2011
The Religious Left?
The following excerpt was written by Rabbi Michael Learner
The whole text can be found here:
What are your thoughts?
December Update
- We have started having a monthly potluck gathering the first Sunday of each month. You should join us and bring some grub!
- We have started reaching out to other community partners, working with Minnesotans for a Fair Economy and the OccupyMN movement. We even had a Sunday Gathering down at Occupy!
- We started working on the next wave of our strategic plan. A new campaign for Love and Justice and Marriage Equality in the state of MN.
- In order to make sure that all of the goals of SoT are accomplished we started a leadership council. The responsibilities of the council are being worked out slowly but we are eager to create a stronger and more sustainable SoT community.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Body and Soul
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Spirit of Truth Newsletter June 2, 2011
Our Conviction: God is Love, Love is the center of all creation, and Justice is the public expression of that Love.
Our Vision: The vision of Spirit of Truth is a Minnesota and world where love and justice are at the center of our community and society, and where people, through spiritual nourishment, real relationships, dignified work, and public voice, live valued, meaningful lives.
Our Mission: The mission of Spirit of Truth is to be central to realizing that vision. To be a community of people that through spiritual practices, community relationships, action for justice and faith live into the belief that love and justice are actually at the center, and to create a society that lives up to that belief as well.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
See How They Love One Another
The second story of people supporting one another comes from a different area of Africa. A young Kenyan medical student was studying in the United States. Returning home, he told his village community a story that had “burned a hole in his heart.” He described the September 11th attacks. When he finished speaking, there was silence as they pondered the suffering that happened in ways almost unimaginable to the villagers. Then a plan emerged.
They invited the American ambassador to come. At his arrival, he was greeted by hundreds of people, dressed in scarlet tunics and beaded collars. They had a gift, they said, for the people of the United States, to help them heal from the tragedy. The gift was fourteen cows.
All of these people are doing the work of God.
In a book by Amy Hollingsworth, I learned my hero Mister Rogers believed the work of God is “seeing the eternal in your neighbor, that divine presence that allows us to show mercy to our neighbor—and to receive it.”
Monday, April 18, 2011
Food for Thought--and Action
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Newsletter March 31st
Hello! This is the Spirit of Truth newsletter, to keep us all up to date on what’s going on with our community. If you know someone who might like Spirit of Truth, forward this on to them. If you’d like to be taken off the list, or if you’d like to know more about anything you read here, reply and let us know.
Our Vision: The vision of Spirit of Truth is a Minnesota and world where love and justice are at the center of our community and society, and where people, through spiritual nourishment, real relationships, dignified work, and public voice, live valued, meaningful lives.
Our Mission: The mission of Spirit of Truth is to be central to realizing that vision. To be a community of people that through spiritual practices, community relationships, action for justice and faith live into the belief that love and justice are actually at the center, and to create a society that lives up to that belief as well.
What’s up next:
1. April 17th – Palm Sunday pot luck and vigil in support of workers that clean Cub Foods – each of you is invited! As many of you know, Spirit of Truth has been organizing with the members of the Justice in Retail Cleaning campaign (click here to learn more about the campaign). On Sunday, April 17th, we are going to take action to move the campaign forward. First, we’ll gather together at St Matt’s for a pot luck meal. We’ll eat together, meet each other, and talk about the campaign. Then we’ll all go together to hold a vigil near a local Cub Foods. The vigil will highlight our faith values and what Palm Sunday has to do with this campaign for justice. This will be a powerful event if all of you join us to make a real, values-based statement to Cub foods, and to the people who clean the stores and have put their jobs on the line to speak up. Please come join us! You can RSVP by clicking reply to this email and letting us know. You also might get a call or individual email from another leader at Spirit of Truth. See you on April 17th!
2. Receipt Collection – As part of this same action, we will be launching a period of collecting grocery receipts, and asking people to sign a card that pledges to use our money to follow our values, including the value of dignity for workers. Why are we doing this? We want to show Cub Foods that we are people who have strong values for justice, and that collectively, we spend a lot of money on groceries. It will help Cub understand how important it is to sit down and talk with the workers leading the campaign. We’ll be collecting receipts all through the month of April, and into May, so start saving them now! Not a Cub shopper? That’s ok. We are collecting all kinds of grocery receipts, not just Cub receipts. The point is to show how much economic power we have as a group, regardless of where we get our groceries. Interested in joining us? Reply to this email, and we’ll make sure to get you the pledge card and figure out how to get the receipts.
We continue to meet every Sunday morning at 11:15. Please join us to learn more about the people involved, and what Spirit of Truth is all about!
Peter Marincel
Monday, March 28, 2011
Palm Sunday: What Jesus and a Donkey Have to Teach Us
The word "triumphal" is often used to describe this event in Jesus' life. This sounds amazing, even dazzling, doesn't it? But when you look at the elements that made up this scene, the word "humble" is the only way to describe it.
Jesus enters, riding a donkey. Not a magnificent horse, which can prance, fling its mane and offer its rider a lofty perch from which to look down upon people. No, this was a donkey. Actually, it was a donkey's colt--not even a grown-up donkey! And a borrowed one at that.
Donkeys have admirable traits but flamboyant isn't one of them. They are smaller than horses and not as fast. They are ridiculed, and aspects of donkeys are used to ridicule people in many ways.
They are the animals that, to this day, carry the burdens of the poor. Even Scripture describes this animal as "a beast of burden."
And as to the young donkey in Jerusalem, there was no leather saddle for Jesus to ride on, no ribbons or bells for decoration. Jesus' disciples took off their cloaks and placed them on the animal's back, a makeshift kind of seat that may have been threadbare, dusty or even smelling like fish.
The people who came to accompany him laid their cloaks on the road for his passage. Others cut branches from trees to strew on his path. They wanted to honor him, but the shirts off their backs and the nearby nature were all they had to offer.
Yes, it was a triumphal moment because it was a a proclamation that the crowds of people believed him to be a prophet who had come to them from the Lord. But it was not majestic, not a procession of a king of wealth. There were no musicians, banners, no sedan chair held high.
Even at one of his greatest moments of glory, Jesus made it clear that he was a king for the lowly and humble in a society. His example teaches that for those with resources, the riches are not the treasure.
Some questions to ponder this week: What is your burden to carry? What is your treasure?
Thursday, March 24, 2011
This Sunday's conversation - what would it look like to organize our money behind our values?
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Vigil for our Families (SEIU Sponsored)
Time | Sunday, March 20 · 2:30pm - 3:30pm |
Location | Incarnation Catholic Church 3817 Pleasant Ave Minneapolis, MN |
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Hey Spirit of Truth
Spirit of Truth has a unique opportunity to show the world what people of faith in love and justice do differently when they are up against the odds. We all know of examples of what people who believe in hate can do to get attention, but what can people who believe in love and justice do?
Please add some suggestions in the comments below, or bring them to church, or contact a member of the Growth and Action Committee
*Action Alert for CTUL*
- Tuesday 3/15 6pm
- Thursday 3/17 10am Workers will make a big announcement about the next steps in the campaign
Some of you may be wondering what you can do to keep workers rights from being thrown under the bus. You may not be able to visit Madison, or Ohio or the dozen other places where the law is being changed to hurt working people, but you can stand up right here with the workers who clean your grocery stores! Stand in solidarity with your community members. Stand in solidarity for those who are made invisible by unfair hiring and firing practices. Stand in solidarity with those who wish for a better world for all.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
It's not fair.
Monday, March 7, 2011
The Story is Old but The Hope is Always New
Its the same story. Locally, nationally and internationally, those in power will disregard the humanity and the dignity of those who make them wealthy, if they can. This story is very old. On Sunday at Spirit of Truth we read a portion of the ancient story of Moses and the Israelites fight with Pharaoh. It was a fight for freedom, for an end to slavery, for human dignity and a chance to rebuild a community with love and justice at the center.
The same tactics and the same false accusations were leveled against the enslaved Israelites as Gaddafi, Walker and Carlson Co. are making against workers today. On the day Moses demanded freedom for his people Pharaoh responded, " You want them to have a break! No! (in fact) You shall no longer give the people straw to make bricks as before; let them go and gather straw for themselves. but you shall require them to make the same quantitiy of bricks as they have made previously; do not diminish it FOR THEY ARE LAZY; and that is why they cry let us go and worship our God. Let heavier work be laid on them, then they will labor and pay no attention to these lies about being overworked" Exodus 5:6-9.
Teachers are you listening? Store cleaners, street repairers, police officers, fire fighters, are you listening? The struggle that you are in is thousands of years old and the tactics are the same! You are called greedy. You are called lazy! These are the same tactics the powerful have always used to shame and dis organize the oppressed!
But remember what happens next. Pharaoh and all his stand ins are relegated to the dust heap of history! It is true that in the struggle for liberation and freedom some will pay a higher cost than others. In Libya some will die. In Wisconsin perhaps some will be laid off. We already know in Minnesota some will be fired. These costs are high and those who pay them deserve our respect and our support. Most of all we owe each other continued belief that those on the side of human dignity, those on the side of justice, those on the side of fairness are on the right side of history.
I believe that each person is the image of God. We cannot believe that and be neutral when human beings are tossed aside like trash. There is a moment happening now that calls us to take sides in an ancient struggle for the values of love and justice.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Facing Injustice
*For more information about this event please click on the picture below
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Love and Justice Influential Themes in News “Comments” Sections
A recent post by one of my Facebook friends stated, “There are many things to be depressed about regarding world events lately, but the most depressing thing for me? -- reading "comments" under news stories.” It quickly generated 11 comments agreeing with the sentiments. I could just as easily have made that post. My daughter has told me countless times, “Mom, you’ve just got to stop reading the comments!”
These public conversation spaces have been taken over by people filled with fear and hatred. Why have we in the justice and faith communities allowed this to happen? We obviously care or we wouldn’t feel “depressed” after reading the comments posted in these spaces.
There is a knowingness within me that says these spaces could and should be used to spread the message of love and justice. I believe wholeheartedly that people who share our values around justice and who want to participate in creating a better community, could actually use these spaces to change the conversation, bringing the whole community into a better alignment with love and justice.
I believe that there are many people waiting for such a “movement” to emerge and that the time for the justice and faith communities to claim these public spaces is now!
I’m going to start adding a comment to a news story once a day that bring my values of love and justice to some news story. And, I’m going to use social media to let people know what I’m doing. If you join with me in this endeavor, together we can create a movement that spreads our message of love and justice!
I’m looking forward to the day when reading the news and comment sections are an inspiration! How about you?
Your thoughts and comments are appreciated.
Newsletter 2/23/11
Spirit of Truth Newsletter February 23, 2011
Hello! This is the Spirit of Truth newsletter, to keep us all up to date on what’s going on with our community. If you know someone who might like Spirit of Truth, forward this on to them. If you’d like to be taken off the list, or if you’d like to know more about anything you read here, reply and let us know.
Our Conviction: God is Love, Love is the center of all creation, and Justice is the public expression of that Love.
Our Vision: The vision of Spirit of Truth is a Minnesota and world where love and justice are at the center of our community and society, and where people, through spiritual nourishment, real relationships, dignified work, and public voice, live valued, meaningful lives.
Our Mission: The mission of Spirit of Truth is to be central to realizing that vision. To be a community of people that through spiritual practices, community relationships, action for justice and faith live into the belief that love and justice are actually at the center, and to create a society that lives up to that belief as well.
What’s Up Next:
1. Action with workers who clean Twin Cities Cub Foods – February 28th, 10:30-12:00, St Matthew’s Lutheran Church. So here’s the deal, as many of you know, Spirit of Truth is getting active in the Campaign for Justice in Retail Cleaning (read more about the campaign here). Cub Foods, as well as many other big box retailers are treating those who clean their stores atrociously. Those workers are speaking up to demand decent working conditions. They are asking Cub Foods to agree to a code of conduct, guaranteeing some basic rights and levels of wage and benefits. Spirit of Truth members have decided to take an active role in supporting our fellow community members and help put pressure on Cub to do the right thing. Why? Because we believe this campaign, here and now, is where God’s love and justice is at work. Click here for more information about next Monday's action. Can’t make this one? We are going to be partnering with the workers in this campaign often in the next months, with more actions to be announced. Let us know if you’re interested, and we’ll keep you in the loop.
2. The new online center for Spirit of Truth – Spirit of Truth BLOG. We’ve reinvented the blog, and we’re now using it for almost everything we do online. The blog entries will be a chance for members of Spirit of Truth to talk about their faith and justice work. There will be a new entry about these topics at least once a week. It will also be a place to stay up to date on actions and announcements. Finally, there will be a section on the blog dissecting and discussing the language of religion and faith. If you’re new to Spirit of Truth, and really want to get a feel for what we’re about and what we’re doing, the blog is a great place to check out. You can “follow” the blog by clicking on the icon on the right hand side of the site. You can join the conversation by commenting on existing posts, or getting in contact with us to become an author on the site.
What’s been going on:
1. We continue to meet every Sunday from 11am to noon. Sunday gatherings are a place to explore our faith, and our own stories. Why do we care about justice? What is going on in our communities? What does our faith have to do with all of this? How are we going to act? We have multiple ways at getting at these topics; prayer, conversation, stories, singing and meditation. We’ll continue to try new practices as we feel we need them. Everyone is welcome and invited!
2. Coffee visits – we continue to have coffee visits, also called one to one conversations, depending on your choice of language. We believe learning each other’s stories is a big part of how we create community, and how we build the base on which we can act for justice. If you’d like to know more about Spirit of Truth, meet anyone from our community, or share some of your story, let us know, and we can set something up.
Spirit of Truth Faith Community
701 N Lexington Parkway
St Paul, MN 55104
Peter Marincel, organizer:
Monday, February 21, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
God's Gifts and Poetry
I had dealt with anti-American views before but I hadn't heard of anyone getting in a fight over staying in the same room, so I asked why he was so anti-American. She said that he was American, but was afraid of other Americans and once again exclaimed that he was CRAZY. So we came up with a plan to tell him that we were Canadian.
Over the course of my week there I discovered that this man was not CRAZY but was suffering from paranoid-schizophrenia. He was convinced that Americans were spying on him and clearly had felt abused by the American Government. The man was tormented both day and night by hallucinations and night terrors which is undoubtedly why he was so afraid and so CRAZY seeming to other people at the hostel.
I also found out that he was incredibly friendly to his Canadian roommate (me) and asked many questions about my homeland (which I had to laugh at, but never revealed my secret). Beyond his extreme politeness and friendly chitchat I also found out that he was a brilliant musician, possibly world class. Along with 5 identical American Passports he brought instruments where ever he traveled and practiced at all hours to the delight of those of us who hadn't written him off.
This was the sad part... I realized after a week of being there that everyone in the place was completely unaware of this man's talents, his gifts, his wonderful presence... they were all so scared of the CRAZY man.
A few months later I wrote a poem called "They Call Him Crazy" about this man.
the last stanza is as follows:
He looks on while faces turn to mock, mitigating another mountain.
Those fortresses built high to barricade, from the impending raid.
We're locked out from his artistic bouts, on mute to his glorious flute.
And when we joke about his unsure future, past and present,
we miss the God-sent presents that he has, and we haven't.
but they call HIM CRAZY.
Its crazy to miss out on the opportunity to see God's gifts, or God in another person.
Part of the reason I love Spirit of Truth is because we practice as many ways as we can come up with to enjoy and celebrate God's gifts in each other. We look for the truth in each other. Beyond the personal we look to change our community so that we can recognize the good in all people and so that none are excluded or oppressed. We seek Justice for all people so that all God's gifts are present. To do anything less seems crazy to me.
A week or so ago at a worship gathering Pete read the following from 1st Corinthians:
As a society I fear we are missing the gifts of millions...
What will we do about it?
Co-creation and Sticking it to the Man
The following is an example of co-creation through a simplified story of what occurred this week.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Bigger than we imagine
We can, and should, use religious or spiritual names or descriptions of God that are helpful. But it may also be helpful to realize that no matter what words we choose, God is still bigger, is still more, than what we imagine. More loving, more understanding, more awesome than our image of God.
Sojourner Truth said, "Oh God, I did not know you were so big."
Can you expand your image of God?
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
God, bagels and community
Community is an integral part of a spiritual and religious life. I was baptized into a church community when I was ten days old, and was part of it for my whole childhood. I knew which woman was known for baking especially good cakes. I knew that two women who always came together were sisters and one was caring for the other who had very crippling arthritis. I knew which men were ushers and which families were related. I knew who rang the church bell and where the bell rope hung. When I came back from Communion, I could expect that my grandmother, always so warm and loving, would not see me for she would be deep in prayer. However, my grandfather, generally a serious man, would give me an exaggerated wink as I passed their pew.
When Paul and I were first married, we were blessed to become part of a church community. For the next thirty years, this community gave us treasured friends, celebrated the baptisms of our babies and helped us raise our children to feel loved by God, it got us through the deaths of both of Paul's parents, and fed us lots of doughnuts over the years. It was because of that community that my spirituality became an adult experience, and it was there that I shared times of truly feeling the presence of God. When that time ended, I was bereft for two years.
When Spirit of Truth began regular services, I decided I’d go a couple of Sundays, never expecting it to become my main spiritual community. However, by the second time, I knew these were people with whom I could again feel the presence of God. I had a new home.
Bagels instead of doughnuts, but still the same God.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Spirit of Truth Newsletter, January 31, 2011
Spirit of Truth Newsletter January 31st, 2011
Hello! This is the Spirit of Truth newsletter, to keep us all up to date on what’s going on with our community. Take a look, and see what you think. If you know someone who might light Spirit of Truth, forward this on to them. If you’d like to be taken off the list, or if you’d like to know more, reply and let us know.
Our Conviction: God is Love, Love is the center of all creation, and Justice is the public expression of that Love.
Our Vision: The vision of Spirit of Truth is a Minnesota and world where love and justice are at the center of our community and society, and where people, through spiritual nourishment, real relationships, dignified work, and public voice, live valued, meaningful lives.
Our Mission: The mission of Spirit of Truth is to be central to realizing that vision. To be a community of people that through spiritual practices, community relationships, action for justice and faith live into the belief that love and justice are actually at the center, and to create a society that lives up to that belief as well.
What’s Up Next:
1. Sunday Gatherings: We continue to get together every Sunday at 11am for prayer and celebration. Our gatherings are not formal, and are non-traditional. We sing songs, have discussions, and do some meditative prayer. We often stick to a topic or theme such as freedom, forgiveness, etc. Or someone tells a story. We listen to each other, and the ancestors through readings or quotes. The gathering is about an hour long, and people usually stick around for pastries, bagels, coffee and visiting. If you’ve been interested in checking it out, please do, we’d love to have you there.
2. Action: Spirit of Truth is about acting for justice. We believe that a faith community should exist to ACT on our values, not just talk about them. So, we’re organizing with a group of people in the Twin Cities that clean Cub Foods stores and other buildings in our neighborhoods. We’re partnering with them and the worker justice center called CTUL, to get Cub Foods to act with integrity and treat these workers fairly. They are asking for a code of conduct from Cub Foods so they can count on a decent standard of living. Cub foods and the other big box stores are part of our community, so we have a responsibility to speak up. Click HERE for more information about this campaign. Stay tuned to Spirit of Truth for upcoming actions. If you want to get involved right now, reply to this email, and we’ll get you started with us!
3. Spirit of Truth Blog: We are working to spruce up the blog, and start using it regularly and diversely. We envision the blog being a place where we can have good discussion about our faith and values, where we can keep each other up to date on what’s happening, and where people new to Spirit of Truth can learn about what Spirit of Truth is through the words of the leaders themselves. You can subscribe to follow the blog as well. We will be up and running with at least weekly postings in the next couple of weeks.
What’s been going on:
Things have been moving at Spirit of Truth. New people are joining us each week. We are trying new songs, and new conversations each Sunday. We are also working to set up more conversations about values and action outside of those Sundays. We call these conversations Spirit Moves, because they travel around the cities. If you’d like to have a conversation about values and action, or any issue that is important to your faith, let us know.
New energy is central to Spirit of Truth. Come join the conversation and the action in any way you feel compelled. If you believe in love and justice, we need you!
Spirit of Truth Faith Community
Peter Marincel, organizer: