Monday, March 5, 2012

So Difficult

"I’ve been forced to explain homosexuality to my kids (aged 3 and 4) because their uncle is gay. This incredibly difficult and traumatic experience went as follows:

Child: Why does Uncle Bob go everywhere with Pete?
Me: Because they’re in love, just like Mummy and Daddy are.
Child: Oh. Can I have a biscuit?

We’re all scarred for life. Scarred, I tell you."

I saw this on a friend's tumblr account. 

I find it very troublesome that so many people are concerned about "the children" when it comes to talking about homosexuality and gay rights.  The children are just fine and will be just fine. 
What we are doing when we don't talk about homosexuality and gay rights, or when we do the opposite and condemn them, is teaching our children to hate.  

Why are we not concerned as a society, as people of faith, for the hatred we are teaching our children?  

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