Monday, January 31, 2011

Spirit of Truth Newsletter, January 31, 2011

Spirit of Truth Newsletter January 31st, 2011

Hello! This is the Spirit of Truth newsletter, to keep us all up to date on what’s going on with our community. Take a look, and see what you think. If you know someone who might light Spirit of Truth, forward this on to them. If you’d like to be taken off the list, or if you’d like to know more, reply and let us know.

Our Conviction: God is Love, Love is the center of all creation, and Justice is the public expression of that Love.

Our Vision: The vision of Spirit of Truth is a Minnesota and world where love and justice are at the center of our community and society, and where people, through spiritual nourishment, real relationships, dignified work, and public voice, live valued, meaningful lives.

Our Mission: The mission of Spirit of Truth is to be central to realizing that vision. To be a community of people that through spiritual practices, community relationships, action for justice and faith live into the belief that love and justice are actually at the center, and to create a society that lives up to that belief as well.

What’s Up Next:

1. Sunday Gatherings: We continue to get together every Sunday at 11am for prayer and celebration. Our gatherings are not formal, and are non-traditional. We sing songs, have discussions, and do some meditative prayer. We often stick to a topic or theme such as freedom, forgiveness, etc. Or someone tells a story. We listen to each other, and the ancestors through readings or quotes. The gathering is about an hour long, and people usually stick around for pastries, bagels, coffee and visiting. If you’ve been interested in checking it out, please do, we’d love to have you there.

2. Action: Spirit of Truth is about acting for justice. We believe that a faith community should exist to ACT on our values, not just talk about them. So, we’re organizing with a group of people in the Twin Cities that clean Cub Foods stores and other buildings in our neighborhoods. We’re partnering with them and the worker justice center called CTUL, to get Cub Foods to act with integrity and treat these workers fairly. They are asking for a code of conduct from Cub Foods so they can count on a decent standard of living. Cub foods and the other big box stores are part of our community, so we have a responsibility to speak up. Click HERE for more information about this campaign. Stay tuned to Spirit of Truth for upcoming actions. If you want to get involved right now, reply to this email, and we’ll get you started with us!

3. Spirit of Truth Blog: We are working to spruce up the blog, and start using it regularly and diversely. We envision the blog being a place where we can have good discussion about our faith and values, where we can keep each other up to date on what’s happening, and where people new to Spirit of Truth can learn about what Spirit of Truth is through the words of the leaders themselves. You can subscribe to follow the blog as well. We will be up and running with at least weekly postings in the next couple of weeks.

What’s been going on:

Things have been moving at Spirit of Truth. New people are joining us each week. We are trying new songs, and new conversations each Sunday. We are also working to set up more conversations about values and action outside of those Sundays. We call these conversations Spirit Moves, because they travel around the cities. If you’d like to have a conversation about values and action, or any issue that is important to your faith, let us know.

New energy is central to Spirit of Truth. Come join the conversation and the action in any way you feel compelled. If you believe in love and justice, we need you!

Spirit of Truth Faith Community

Peter Marincel, organizer:


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